Camps at Totleywells.

Our 3-day camps are organised to bring out the best in you and your horse, so you both leave having learned a bit and lived a lot. Our ethos is horsemanship and friendship based, you and your horse will realise ambitions and achieve more through us working with you to understand where you’re at now and what you’d like to focus on.

Totleywells is just 1km from picturesque South Queensferry and its pubs and cafes, and 20 mins from Edinburgh, so your visit can be combined with eating out, visiting the city and even taking in a show, or simply relaxing with friends by the fire pit.

It all starts with what you’d like to achieve at your camp. When you’re driving back home with your buddy in the back, we want you to say ‘I did it, we achieved what we set out to’. That’s why we offer to spend the time with you before you come to understand what you’d like to get out of camp. And it’s totally ok if that’s simply ‘fun’.

Finesse your Flatwork Camp - 2 or 3 day options.

Our Coaches believe that flatwork is the foundation for all your best work in any discipline, so our dressage coach will work with you to address any areas that you feel, and they observe, need a bit of work.

  • Day One - we’ll work on your areas of development and layer in something new or something you’d like to finesse.

  • Day Two - you’ll choose a dressage test for your level and we’ll practice some of the elements together, perform adding it all to complete the test.

  • Day 3 - you’ll practice your test, ride it for our guest BD dressage judge, and have a feedback session with your coach.

Jumping with Confidence Camps - 2 or 3 day options.

Our jump sessions address various technical areas of jumping.

  • Day 1 - Flatwork for jumping. We may also include pole work and Cavaletti - prepping you and your horse for the jump training ahead.

  • Day 2 - Gridwork and show jumping - we’ll address the things you find tricky, break it all down, and add it all up at the end.

  • Day 3 - technical arena eventing - strides and skinnies, corners and doubles, we’ll work on it all!

Learning on the ground.

You can opt into a variety of additional out-of-the-saddle learning sessions including:

  • Bit checking and fitting

  • Weight Management and Feeding

  • Show Prep

  • Course walking

  • Understanding dressage judging

  • Lunge training

  • Natural Horsemanship

“We left camp feeling like we’d got so much more than we came for. They really listened to what we wanted to achieve and we learned so much. We both felt we’d achieved personal bests.

The brilliant pub lunch at Outboard and taking in a show at Edinburgh’s Playhouse was an unexpected bonus!”

— Jenny and Irene